 Day one CLIMATE: QoL -> FoP -> FRB (Quality of life goals should guide your forms of production which should yield a future resource base for yourself and others) Climate is more than meteorological - attend to psychological, political, s
 Day two GEOGRAPHY: reading human and nonhuman habitation patterns, mapping flows (water, transport, energy, meaning), developing the proper scale of analysis for the task at hand. How is the landscape inhabited and for what purpose? 
 Day three WATER: from raindrop to ocean the seven orders of drainage are a poem - sheet -> rill -> runnel -> valley -> creek-> river -> estuary. Water as destroyer, water as savior.
 Day four ACCESS: should you build access or *make accessible*? How do you move water, people, animals, supplies through the landscape?
 Day five FORESTRY: trees as old world urbanism (dendritic) and grasses as new world urban type (linear). Focus on making forest systems anadromous - nutrients cycling up the energy stream in order to combat the sedentarization of culture/food system
 Day six BUILDINGS: site, permanence, mobility, function, embodied and consumed energy, appropriateness of materials and construction.
 Day seven FENCES: exploring the epigenetics of barrier systems, the dematerialization of containment - stone -> wood -> wire -> electric -> virtual, barbed wire as the atomic bomb of grasslands, geomorphometry.
 Day eight SOIL: living soil, living mind.
 Day nine ECONOMY: plan for multiple forms of capital - material, experiential, social, spiritual, natural, financial, cultural, and intellectual.
 Day ten ENERGY: attention to the age of sunlight consumed relative to the task at hand, photosynthetic driven metabolic energy as primary driver of systems, ancient sunlight (fossil fuels) as last resort.
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